Netball game 2024

My netball game was not to bad. My team got 1 point and the other team got 4. We have training today its our first training since the game. I was goal attack, center and goal defense. It was hard because of how tall the other team was and  how good they were.


This term we have been doing POPPY ART.We used Paint, Paper and Water color. I  did both it was hard because i didn’t know which type of poppy to do i could do normal paint,water paint, splattered and dabbing with a paper or a spouse i chose dabbing and waterpaint. I like it because of the way it turned out and I am showing it to my School on Friday


Recently for maths we have been learning about fractions. We have been learning how to fold skinny strips into equal pieces and find out what the fractions are.  Then we used them to make a fraction wall. Our teacher also printed out pictures of fractions and the fraction numbers for us to match them together.   We had to draw some of them too.